This training is our self paced CCDE offering which is focused on providing students with expert level, scenario based network design practice exams.

All exams include complex network designs which are mixed between enterprise and service provider profiles to ensure that the exams cover most, or all of the technologies included within the CCDE blueprint.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use these CCDE self study materials

    2. CCDE Practice Exam Guidance 2020-02.pdf (from Jeremy Filliben)

    1. Piney Point University (Analysis Only)

    2. Exam Download - Piney Point University (Legacy CCDE v2)

    3. Exam Download - Bute Ridge College (CCDE v3)

    1. Exam Download - AmericaTel 1 (Legacy CCDEv2)

    2. Exam Download - NetEdge Telecommunications (CCDEv3)

    1. Tottenham Insurance

    2. Exam Download - Tottenham Insurance

    3. National Insurance Services (CCDEv3)

    4. National Insurance Services (CCDE v3) Updates

    1. Canadian Upscale Fitness

    2. Exam Download - Canadian Upscale Fitness

    1. Brazil Communications

    2. Exam Dowlnload - Brazil Communications

About this course

  • $995.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

Please Note: These exams were written based on the CCDE version 2 curriculum and we are in the process of developing additional exams which cover the v3 blueprint.

With the above taken into consideration, these exams are suited to ensuring the CCDE candidate is in the correct design mindset and they can select the correct answer based on the requirements.

These exams will remain available even when our version 3 content has been produced.

In summary, these exams and the guidance from the instructor around design mindset will benefit students, who are attempting either version 2 or 3 of the CCDE.